The K7 was somewhat born from COVID-19. The first part imagined on April 18th 2020, and drawn right away. On May 18th 2020 the first K7 was produced.
To achieve this, I drew from my previous experience as an armed bodyguard, with a concealed carry license. At that time, my two favorite carry weapons were the S&W 940 (9mm Parabellum) pistol, as a pocket carry, and the HK P7, as a waistband carry. Both had their strengths and weaknesses, and I often reflected on what would my ideal handgun be.
While there are many desirable features, in my opinion, a weapon should, above all, be discreet (i.e. compact), lightweight (a key point to the GLOCK's success), and utterly reliable under all circumstances (SEMPER FIDELIS).
To fulfil this requirement, one must consider another essential question: what is exactly the use of a weapon in a professional situation? There will always be many subjective answers to that, but the only objective one comes down to: just sending projectiles in the right direction, without being interrupted by a jam.
This is exactly how the K7 was imagined. It is a compact weapon, featuring a single stack magazine. We cannot tell you much more about it at this point. But we will be glad to present it to you in due time. Yet, as a teaser, here is the K7 trigger system (shown above).
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